Grants filter search

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  1. Youth Closed

    2022-23 Youth Grants

    This Program aims to provide funding for projects that engage, connect and celebrate the diversity of young people in our community.

  2. Youth Closed

    Youth InterACT Grant

    These grants provide funding to young people aged 12-25 years for innovative new projects leading to greater inclusion and participation in community development. These projects run for a 12-month period.

  3. Youth Ongoing

    Youth InterACT Scholarship

    The Youth InterACT Scholarships provide funding to individuals and groups of young people to participate in an activity, event or program. This may include sporting events, conferences, courses and training that enhance personal or career development

  4. Youth Closed

    Youth Week Grant

    ACT Youth Week is a celebration of young people aged 12 - 25 in our community. ACT Youth Week provides young people with the opportunity to express their ideas and views, and act on issues that impact on them and their peers.

  5. Youth Closed

    Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Awards

    The Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Awards recognise individuals and groups of young people aged between 12 and 25 years who have made a significant contribution through their personal endeavours, or are actively involved in the ACT community.
