Work health and safety

MPC prioritises WHS across its projects and the directorate. Health and safety is an active contributor to our success in procuring and delivering infrastructure projects. This helps ensure Canberra remains one of the worlds' most liveable cities whilst ensuring the safety of our people.

Learn more about our commitment to WHS

WHS Active Certification

The WHS Active Certification Policy aims to protect construction workers. It attempts to prevent fatal, permanent and serious debilitating injuries within the construction industry. It is applied on ACT Government construction project sites to improve work health and safety practices.

Principle contractor reporting

Principal contractors are required to submit a monthly report to the MPC Superintendent or Project Manager. This supports compliance with the ACTPS Guidelines for Managing Work Health and Safety in Construction Projects with a value if $250,000 or more. The following template is the preferred format for the monthly report.

Principal contractors monthly WHS report template

Incident reporting

Construction contractors or delivery partners must complete a report should an incident occur on a major project site. This report is used to understand why an incident occurred and how to prevent it from happening again. The Principal Contractor Incident Reporting factsheet provides guidance on how to report an incident.

Principal Contractor Incident Reporting factsheet