Four children smile as they line up in an outdoor setting.

All ACT primary school students will be able to attend a free camp at Birrigai during their primary school years.

04 February 2025

In brief:

  • The ACT Government will provide one free school camp at Birrigai for every student during their primary years.
  • The free camps will be held at Birrigai Outdoor School from term 1 this year.

The ACT Government will provide one free school camp at Birrigai for every primary school student, with free camps starting in term 1 this year.

Camps will be held at Birrigai Outdoor School, near Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve.

It’s expected that one year group from each ACT public primary school will attend a free camp each year.

This will allow all ACT primary school students to attend a free camp during their primary school years.

Allowing everyone to participate

This new program means families won’t have to miss out due to cost.

School camps are an important part of the educational experience. The program ensures all students can attend.

The program roll out

It’s anticipated that more than 1000 students will benefit from the program in the first half of the year.

Additional school bookings will open in the coming weeks.

Work is underway to support the roll out of the program’s first phase in the first half of 2025. 

Schools will communicate to their school communities as plans are finalised.

Semester 1 2025 bookings are subject to availability.

Ensuring equity in education

Equity is one of the four principles of the ACT Government’s Future of Education Strategy.

The program comes in addition to other initiatives aimed at helping Canberra families with school costs. These include:

  • free three-year-old preschool
  • the Future of Education Equity Fund
  • a Chromebook for every public secondary school student.

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