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Report uses of a restrictive practice

How to report approved and emergency uses of a restrictive practice online and on time.

Service providers must report all uses of a restrictive practice to the Senior Practitioner.

This includes a restrictive practice:

  • agreed to in a Positive Behaviour Support Plan
  • used in an emergency to prevent injury or harm to the person or others.

When to report use

There are timeframes to report uses of a restrictive practice.

You must report it within:

  • 5 days after the end of the month if the restrictive practice is part of a registered positive behaviour support plan.
  • 5 days of use if was used in an emergency and not part of a registered plan.

Report a restrictive practice

You must report the restrictive practice in the ACT Restrictive Intervention Data System (RIDS).

  1. Sign in to RIDS.
  2. Report the restrictive practice.

If you don't have a RIDS account or you need help to report a restrictive practice, contact

Complaints or concerns

If you have concerns about the use of a restrictive practice, you can complain to the Senior Practitioner about:

  • a positive behaviour support plan that allows the use of a restrictive practice
  • any restrictive practice used by a service provider.

To complain about a restrictive practice, contact the Office of the Senior Practitioner.

Contact us

Office of the Senior Practitioner
This page is managed by: Community Services Directorate