We are CBR

A message from the Chief Minister

Canberrans have much to be proud of. We are an inclusive city that sees the benefits of our prosperity shared, with a progressive community that drives change where it’s needed.

All Canberrans have a role to play in how we shape our future and the ACT Government wants to ensure that Canberrans voices are heard.

In February 2018, I launched the first Whole of Government Communications and Engagement Strategy to make sure Canberrans can see the opportunities to engage in decision-making and be better informed about the work of government in contributing to a better Canberra. This Plan updates that document to include 2019 initiatives.

Government communications keeps Canberrans informed about how the city runs, how to access services, and invites participation in government decision-making. It is particularly important during emergency situations where the community relies heavily on effective and coordinated communications from Government.

During the 2016 election, the Government promised more representative engagement with the Canberra community. As part of that commitment, we have delivered four deliberative engagement processes which gave a number of randomly selected Canberrans a very direct say in government policy, including the ACT Carers’ Strategy, the Better Suburbs Statement, recommendations on how to improve housing choices and improvements to the Compulsory Third Party motor vehicle insurance scheme.

We have learnt a lot through these processes and are looking at how we can bring the principals of deliberative engagement to the everyday engagement between government and the community.

In 2019, the Government will be reaching out to more Canberrans by implementing community consultations based on demographic and numeric targets. To achieve these targets, the Government will use a range of engagement techniques to ensure our policy decisions are based on better representational advice from the community.

The Government is also recommitting to the Social Compact. This is a document, first developed in 2011 that sets out the relationship between government and the peak bodies in the community sector. This acknowledges the important role this sector plays, particularly in representing many of the unheard voices in our community.

Our online research platform ‘YourSay Community Panel’ will launch soon and give all Canberrans who sign up an opportunity to contribute their views to a wide range of topics that will inform decision making, but also help evaluate the effectiveness of government programs and services.

We are continuing to make progress in encouraging more Canberrans to participate in how their city is run and be informed about what the ACT Government is doing to support them in our great city.

Andrew Barr, MLA
Chief Minister

If you don’t have time to read these pages, here it is:

Clear information. Easy engagement. #WEARECBR

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Canberra is a diverse community and there are many ways you get your information.

Government is working to inform and engage with you in the way you prefer, whether it’s the print media, on the radio or through your social media feed.





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Towards #CBR500k

We’re getting ready for a city which will be home to 500,000 people by 2030. We’re growing rapidly, with 9,000 new Canberrans every year.

We’re planning for where Canberrans will live, the schools and hospitals they will need, how they will easily move around the city and adapt to a changing climate.

As our city expands, we want a Canberra that is inclusive, innovative, healthy, smart, active and fun.

A city Canberrans are proud to call home.

Over the coming months and years we’ll be listening to you, asking your opinion, consulting and considering with you the tough issues and great opportunities that lie ahead.

We will make sure you are informed about what government is doing, why we are doing it and how we can support you to enjoy living, working and playing in CBR.

We are a diverse community, Canberrans hold a variety of views and perspectives.

Snapshot of an average group of 100 people in the ACT

51 Women
49 Men
50 aged <34
50 aged >34
2 indigenous
21 from a non-English speaking background
15 with a disability
59 in a couple
41 single
46 couples with children
15 one parent families
68 living in a separate house
16 living in a unit or apartment

Source: Census 2016