An ACT Government Website


  • The median age at death in 2021 was 84.0 years for females and 79.7 for males in the ACT. This compares with 84.9 for females and 79.6 for males nationally.
  • Deaths for 2021 are preliminary and are subject to change as they do not include deaths subject to the coronial process.  A coroner may investigate a death if the death is unexpected or violent (such as a homicide and suicide), when the identity is unknown, cause of death is not known or if the person is in care or custody. The coronial process can take several years, particularly where an inquest is held, or complex investigations are being undertaken. Therefore, there is a delay in reporting deaths through this process.
  • The Australian Bureau of Statistics for this calculation used year of occurrence.


Median age at death, ACT and Australia, 2009 to 2021


To access the data, select "View source data" link at the bottom of the visualisation. This link will open up a data table that you can download.

Codes and sources

Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022) 33020DO002_2021 Deaths Australia, 2021. Table 2. Median age at death, Year of occurrence, States and territories-2011 to 2021, Australia 2021. Canberra, ABS.

This page is managed by: ACT Health Directorate