An ACT Government Website

ACT Health conducts regular food safety and compliance surveys on a variety of foods available in the ACT. Food samples are collected and analysed to test for the presence of various pathogenic and indicator microorganisms.

Public Health Officers collect the food samples and take appropriate action if the analysis provides an undesirable result. Microbiologists from the ACT Government Analytical Laboratory are responsible for the analysis of the food samples.

The surveys focus on locally produced and supplied food, in addition, current public health issues can impact on the focus of surveys undertaken.

Microbiology explained

Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye. This includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae, collectively known as microorganisms.

In these microbiological surveys, the levels of target bacteria are checked in the sampled foods as some bacteria are known to cause human illness (pathogenic), for example Salmonella and some may indicate unhygienic preparation (indicator organisms).










Archived reports

This page is managed by: ACT Health Directorate