The school’s preferred design has been finalised and DA approval is being sought.

Construction is underway on modernised southside mental health service facilities for children and teens.

The new BMX freestyle facility has been completed in time to host the ACT Jam 2023.

Woden Library’s podcast studio takes two friends’ passion project to the next level.

Once complete, the community will have an improved oval to enjoy.

The development application for the main building at CIT Woden has been approved.

A new freestyle BMX facility will be built at University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park.

Find out what’s in the 2023-24 ACT Budget for Woden, Weston Creek, and Molonglo Valley.

A partnership with the University of Canberra will deliver new funding for improvements at Stromlo Forest Park.

A new station in the Molonglo Valley will bring Fire and Ambulance emergency services closer to residents of the area.

Canberra Hospital Expansion’s prototype shed provides the first glimpse of spaces within the new Critical Services Building.

CT, ultrasound scans and X-rays are now available outside the hospital setting, at Weston Creek.

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