Through an investment of $345 million, the ACT Government will fund more housing options for Canberrans.

Budget funding will include investment in staffing and resourcing to operate the new Critical Services Building.

A new budget commitment will fund the recruitment of 126 ACT Policing personnel over the next five years.

The ACT Government is investing an additional $3.3 million in this beloved event over the next two years.

A partnership with the University of Canberra will deliver new funding for improvements at Stromlo Forest Park.

A new station in the Molonglo Valley will bring Fire and Ambulance emergency services closer to residents of the area.

More than $26 million will be invested in the ACT’s walking and cycling network.

Over the next four years, $28 million will be invested to support a range of mental health initiatives.

Find out how the ACT Government is investing in our city and its people through the 2022-23 ACT Budget.

Find out what’s in the 2022-23 ACT Budget for Woden, Weston Creek and Molonglo.

Find out what’s in the 2022-23 ACT Budget for Tuggeranong.

Find out what’s in the 2022-23 ACT Budget for Belconnen.

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