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Because babies spend so much time sleeping and feeding, it’s important that you encourage movement and active play by interacting with them while they’re awake.

Your baby's activity needs depend on their level of development. Each baby is different, so while most go through the stages of development in the same order, growth rates and the timing of development vary.

This page is part of the Kids at Play Active Play program.

Babies up to 1 year old

Active play is vital for your baby, and necessary for their physical and social development.

At birth, your baby's movements are instinctive and reflexive, but as they grow they learn to control arm and leg movements. Babies begin to reach out, kick their legs, and lift and move their bodies to balance in different positions.

Tummy time

It’s important for your baby to spend some of their time awake on their tummy. Daily 'tummy time' will help your baby strengthen their neck and back muscles and teach them to hold their body weight with their arms.

Babies will then learn to push up onto their hands and knees and before you know it, they’ll be onto the next stage – crawling.

'Tummy time' does not apply to sleep time so ensure you follow safe sleeping guidelines and put your baby on their back to sleep. This decreases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and sleeping accidents.

Crawling is a skill that typically starts at about 7 months of age, along with other skills such as sitting, pulling to stand, standing and cruising.

Babies over 1 year old

At around 12 months, your baby will start will usually learn to walk independently.

You should help your toddler practise their walking skills by encouraging them to move from sitting to standing to walking.

You should also help them walk in different directions, on different surfaces and while carrying things.

If you are concerned about your child’s development, contact the ACT Government's Child Development Service Intake Line on 6205 1246 or go to the Child Development Service website.