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As an educator, you should encourage and plan for the children in your care to be active every day.

This page is part of the Kids at Play Active Play program.

The importance of fundamental movement skills

Educators are often role models, so whenever possible, join in with the activities you plan for the children.

Keep children engaged with a variety of structured and unstructured opportunities for active play, and then mix things up by rotating the program every couple of days.

If you keep a record of activities, you can develop your own active play resource folder. This can be useful for new staff.

Teaching children fundamental movement skills is one of the best ways to help them to confidently join in games and active play with their friends and peers.

Free online learning

The Kids at Play Active Play (KAPAP) online learning course provides practical ideas and materials to help early childhood educators feel confident to promote active play and teach fundamental movement skills to children aged 3 and up in early childhood settings.

The course content has been mapped against:

Completion of the KAPAP online course can assist Early Childhood Education Services service providers to achieve EYLF outcomes and NQS quality areas, standards and elements.

It can be completed either individually or in teaching teams in a minimum of two hours and has 3 modules:

  • Discover – active play education concepts and an overview of all the resources available for you to use in the classroom.
  • Explore – opportunities to develop your own approach to active play with learning tasks and discussions with your colleagues.
  • Expand – a fun brain teaser quiz.

This course has been approved for two TQI teacher accredited hours by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute.

For information and to enrol in this course please visit the Healthy Children's Learning Hub.