End of life and palliative care
Find a palliative care service, plan for the end of your life, learn about the changes that happen as death approaches and where to get help if you’re grieving.
About palliative care
Types of care and support to manage your symptoms and quality of life when you have been diagnosed with a serious incurable illness.
Palliative care services
Find a palliative care service in the ACT.
Making choices about the end of life
Plan for end of life, including advance care planning, organ and tissue donation and voluntary assisted dying.
Meeting your needs at the end of life
How to talk about your cultural, spiritual or other needs with your healthcare team.
When someone is dying
Learn about the changes that happen as death approaches, to help you make decisions at this time.
Grief and bereavement
Understand the symptoms of grief and where to get help when you lose someone you love.
Complaints or feedback on palliative care services
Consumer reference group for end of life and palliative care