Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate plans, develops and works to protect the environment and develops strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) aims to protect the environment, help our city adapt to climate change and deliver good planning outcomes for the ACT.
What we do
We are responsible for a wide range of policies and programs.
Planning related functions include:
- building and land policy
- building regulation
- development approvals
- land development projects
- land information
- leasing
- planning based research
- planning policy
- strategic and statutory planning
- street and suburb name information; and
- urban design.
For more information about planning visit the Planning website.
Environment related functions include:
- ACT Parks and Conservation Service
- catchment management and water policy
- conservation research
- environment protection policy
- Heritage; and
- nature conservation policy
For more information about environment, heritage and water visit the Environment section of this website.
Climate change related functions include:
- climate change and energy policy
- climate change and energy programs
- developing and implementing strategies to adapt to climate change; and
- increasing climate change resilience.
For more information about climate change policies and priorities visit the Everyday Climate Choices website.
Public bodies, agencies and authorities
- ACT Government Architect provides strategic advice on architecture and design. This advice underpins the development of buildings and places in the ACT.
- The Statement of Planning Priorities informs EPSDD's work as the government undertakes the next stage of work following the commencement of a new planning system.
- The Office for the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment is an independent statutory position established by the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Act 1993.
- The Office of Conservator of Flora and Fauna was established by the Nature Conservation Act 2014 (NC Act) and carries significant responsibilities and impacts the conservation landscape.
- The Office of the Surveyor-General and Land Information (OSGLI) ensures confidence in land ownership and information systems for the Territory and is the main government authority for land surveying and property boundaries (cadastre)..
- The Territory Planning Authority (TPA) sits within EPSDD and handles statutory decision-making for the Territory.
Boards, Councils, Committees and Other Groups
ACT Climate Change Council
ACT Heritage Council
ACT Natural Resource Management (NRM) Advisory Committee
ACT Place Names Advisory Committee
ACT Scientific Committee
National Capital Design Review Panel (NCDRP)
ACT and Region Catchment Management Coordination Group
ACT Legislative Assembly and Assembly Committees
Assessment and Environment Advisory Panel (AEAP)
Environment and Planning Forum
National Capital Design Review Panel (NCDRP)
Survey Practice Advisory Committee
Download the full list in PDF format [PDF 149.8 KB]
Public interest disclosure
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (the Act) provides a legislative framework for managing serious matters of wrongdoing within government. A disclosure or complaint to an official becomes a public interest disclosure when it is about conduct or activities that could:
- result in a substantial mismanagement of public resources or public funds
- involve substantial mismanagement in the performance of official functions
- result in a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or the environment.
Employees of the ACT Public Service and members of the community are encouraged to disclose conduct adverse to the public interest in the public sector.
The Public Interest Disclosure (Integrity Commission – Managing Disclosures and Conducting Investigations) Guidelines 2021 (the Guidelines) explain and support the Act.
You can contact the disclosure officers through Access Canberra at 13 22 81 or via email.
- Carolyn O’Neill, Executive Group Manager, Corporate Services and Operations - carolyn.oneill@act.gov.au
- George Cilliers, Executive Group Manager, Statutory Planning - george.cilliers@act.gov.au
- Melissa Tetley, Executive Branch Manager, Finance and Business Services - melissa.tetley@act.gov.au
Privacy policy
The information privacy policy [PDF 281.5 KB] and annex [PDF 327.2 KB] sets out how the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) manages personal information when performing its functions and duties.
The Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Privacy Statement [PDF 137.6 KB] sets out how EPSDD collects, manages and uses CCTV footage. The CCTV Register [PDF 319.4 KB] outlines each of the systems currently owned and operated by EPSDD.
Temporary employment register
This register is for people who have skills in:
- architecture
- design
- planning
- compliance
- building
- leasing
- administration
- surveying
- customer services.
Email EPSDD.HR@act.gov.au to apply for the temporary register, stating your area of interest and any relevant work experience. Please include a current resume and contact details of two referees.
Corporate strategies and plans
Annual reports
Contact us
Call via Access Canberra
13 22 81
Submit feedback online via the Access Canberra website
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
GPO Box 158
ACT 2601