Design evolution

Design evolution

As with all large infrastructure projects, the CIT Woden Campus design process is iterative in nature, providing ongoing opportunity for community feedback and input.

By engaging with the community early we have been able to identify what design elements matter most, which will help us fully realise the benefits of this project in supporting Woden to become a place where people want to live, work and learn.

CIT campus woden

Image: Indicative design of the CIT commons area.

As part of the project’s early design development, we sought community feedback on topics such as building heights and layout, green space ratios, connectivity to local facilities, public transport integration and sustainable design features. The views of more than 400 community members were captured over a month-long consultation, with the community indicating a preference for well-integrated buildings of up to 12 stories, featuring activated common areas and green spaces.

Since this time, we have also sought further input on green spaces, area activations, active travel, wayfinding and safety. We are now implementing outcomes from this consultation and delivering new project features the community have said they would like to see.

This includes: