Out Now: Project Update, December 2023

Setting new national health facility standards

The Canberra Hospital Expansion Project is at the forefront of Australian healthcare.

It’s changing how we build healthcare facilities, thanks to the Project’s Consumer Reference Group whose work and key recommendations will be added into the Australasian Healthcare Facility Guidelines.

Consumers from diverse backgrounds and abilities have been involved in this process right from the pre-construction phase, working alongside health clinicians and project managers throughout the entire process.

This close collaboration led to the inclusion of many features which will make hospital visits as comfortable as possible.

Of these features, 10 design components will be incorporated into all future health infrastructure projects in Australia.

Consumer-led design components:

  1. Dimmable lighting in patient rooms
  2. Dedicated consumer power points in patient rooms
  3. Additional grab rails in ensuites
  4. Tri-zone inclusion: Patient, carer and staff spaces in patient rooms
  5. Accessible counters
  6. Automatic doors on public accessible toilets
  7. Patient family lounge
  8. Sensory room
  9. Reception desk in the Emergency Department waiting room
  10. Family respite lounge

Also in this issue:

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