Conservation research and technical reports
The Conservation Research Unit produces a series of research reports, technical reports and one-off reports which contain information on the flora and fauna of the ACT.
Research reports
- Recovery of fire sensitive vegetation communities in the Namadgi National Park and Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve after the 2020 Orroral Valley Bushfire [28.4 MB]
- Roberts & Reid 2023 Macrophytes Western ACT Final Report [2.5 MB]
- ACT Sphagnum Bog Rehabilitation and Monitoring Plan 2020–31 [17.1 MB]
- A preliminary survey of small native mammals and their habitat at Stromlo East and West [3.1 MB]
- Canberra Community Urban Turtle Monitoring [813.7 KB]
- Why can’t fish cross the road? Barriers to fish passage in the national park and reserves of the ACT 2019 [5.2 MB]
- Monitoring of Grassland Earless Dragons in Jerrabomberra East Grassland Reserve 2009 - 2018 [605.3 KB]
- Striped Legless Lizard Monitoring 2017 – AMTECH and Jerrabomberra East 2018 [848.2 KB]
- Survey for the Smoky Mouse (Pseudomys Fumeus) in the ACT 2018 [3.2 MB]
- Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) surveys in the Australian Capital Territory 2018 [1.1 MB]
- Wetland vulnerability to climate change in the ACT 2016 [1.4 MB], Office of Environment and Heritage, Queanbeyan, NSW Report to ACT Government. Data accessible via NSW Seed.
- Soil Landscapes of the Australian Capital Territory 2016 [21.9 MB], Office of Environment and Heritage, Queanbeyan, NSW. Report to ACT Government (attached). Data accessible via ACT Geospatial Catalogue and additional soil and landscape data via NSW Seed.
- Hydrogeological Landscapes of the Australian Capital Territory, Third edition 2017, Office of Environment and Heritage, Wagga Wagga, Report to ACT Government
- Breeding ecology of the superb parrot (Polytelis swainsonii) in northern Canberra: Nest monitoring report 2016 [884.4 KB]
- Breeding ecology of the superb parrot (Polytelis swainsonii) in northern Canberra: Nest monitoring report 2015 [1.5 MB]
- Distribution and Conservation Status of the Endangered Pink-tailed Legless Lizard 1991 [6.1 MB]; (Aprasia parapulchella) (Kluge); W.S.Osborne, M.Lintermans and K.D.Williams
- The status, distribution and management of the Murray Crayfish (Euastacus armatus) in the ACT 1991 [2.3 MB]; M.Lintermans and T.Rutzou
- Status, Distribution and Possible Impacts of the Oriental Weatherloach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) in the Ginninderra Creek Catchment 1990 [2.8 MB]; M.Lintermans, T.Rutzou and K.Kukolic
- Distribution and Relative Abundance of Fish in the Naas-Gudgenby Catchment 1990 [1.7 MB]; H.A.Jones, T.Rutzou and K.Kukolic
- The Fish Fauna of the Upper Cotter River Catchment 1990 [4.9 MB]; M.Lintermans and T.Rutzou
- A Survey of the Vertebrate Fauna of Mt. Ainslie, Mt Majura and Black Mountain 1990 [5.2 MB]; 1975-76, K.Kukolic
- Vegetation of the Ainslie – Majura Reserve 1974 [5.2 MB]; F. Ingwerson, O. Evans and B. Griffiths; ISBN 0 642 00642 3
- Riverine and wetland plants in the ACT: a knowledge appraisal [2.0 MB]
- Genetic Health of the Two-spined Blackfish in the ACT [1.3 MB]
- Murrumbidgee River Survey 2023 [1.6 MB]
Technical reports
- Identifying key ecological components to describe the condition of Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens and inform their management [3.4 MB]
- Fire Ecology Program Update 2016-2019 [4.8 MB]
- Technical Report: Upland Native Grassland Ecosystem Monitoring Plan 2019 [4.1 MB]
- Technical Report: The Small Ant-Blue Butterfly in the ACT 2019 [1.7 MB]
- Technical Report: Identifying Biodiversity Refugia in the ACT2019 [7.1 MB]
- Technical Report - Fertility Control of Eastern Grey Kangaroos in the ACT - Assessing Efficacy of a Dart Delivered Immunocontraceptive Vaccine 2018 [2.4 MB]
- Technical Report - Kangaroos and Conservation - Assessing the Effects of Kangaroo Grazing in Lowland Grassy Ecosystems 2018 [5.6 MB]
- Technical Report - Factors Influencing Subadult Mortality Events in Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Macropus Giganteus) in the ACT 2018 [2.2 MB]
- Technical Report - Lowland native grasslands monitoring plan 2017 [11.0 MB]
- Technical Report - Monitoring impacts of Sambar Deer 2017 [2.0 MB]
- Technical Report - Conservation Effectiveness Monitoring Program: an overview 2017 [6.5 MB]
- Technical Report 36 - Factors influencing the flowering of the Tarengo Leek Orchid 2016 [1.3 MB]
- Technical Report 35 - Distribution and ecology of the Broad-toothed Rat in the ACT 2016 [3.0 MB]
- Technical Report 33 - A Simple but Useful Map of Vegetation Structure In and Near Canberra 2015 [2.3 MB]; Claire Wimpenny, Brett Howland and Don Fletcher
- Technical Report 32 - Conservation Research and Conservation Planning Program report 2013-15 [4.6 MB]
- Technical Report 31 - Risk Assessment for the Importation of Native Reptiles to the ACT 2015 [2.2 MB]; Will Osborne and Murray Evans
- Technical Report 30 - Arboreal Mammal Spotlight Survey 2015 [8.9 MB]; Melissa Snape, Ben Stevenson and Murray Evans
- Technical Report 29 - Conservation Planning and Research Program Report 2011-2013 [11.4 MB]
- Technical Report 28 - The Vegetation of the Kowen, Majura and Jerrabomberra Districts of the Australian Capital Territory 2013 [6.5 MB]; Greg Baines, Murray Webster, Emma Cook, Luke Johnston and Julian Seddon
- Technical Report 27 - Fine scale modelling of habitat and connectivity values in the ACT 2012 [19.6 MB]
- Technical Report 26 - Long term monitoring for Fire Management – 10 years on for the Australian Alps fire plots 2013
- Technical Report 25 - Box–gum woodland in the ACT 2011 [4.3 MB]
- Technical Report 24 - The extent and significance of Gungahlin's biodiversity values 2012 [4.1 MB]; Dr Michael Mulvaney
- Technical Report 23 - Survey of Vegetation and Habitat in Key Riparian Zones of Tributaries of the Murrumbidgee River in the ACT: Naas, Gudgenby, Paddys, Cotter and Molonglo Rivers 2011 [14.1 MB]; Lesley Peden, Stephen Skinner, Luke Johnston, Kevin Frawley, Felicity Grant and Lisa Evans. The Murrumbidgee River, the major waterway in the ACT is in very poor condition throughout its length. The riparian floodplains in the ACT have been affected by land clearing, altered hydrological systems and water quality, major weed invasions, fire and related climatic changes. The ACT Government has undertaken two surveys to provide a clear picture of the state of the high conservation value streams in the ACT.
- Technical Report 22 - Survey of Vegetation and Habitat in Key Riparian Zones: Murrumbidgee River, ACT 2009 [30.7 MB]; Luke Johnston, Stephen Skinner, Lesley Ishiyama and Sarah Sharp - Technical Report 22 is a survey of vegetation and habitat in key riparian zones of the ACT Murrumbidgee River. This report identifies the extent and condition of the riverine vegetation communities along the Murrumbidgee in the ACT.
- Technical Report 21 - Ecological Connectivity for Climate Change in the ACT and surrounding region 2010 [7.2 MB], ACT Climate Change Strategy Action Plan 2007-11, Project Report – Action 34; Adrian D. Manning, David J. Shorthouse, Janet L. Stein and John A. Stein; Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University
- Technical Report 20 - Sphagnum Bog Mapping and Recovery Plan 2009 [139.5 KB], ACT Climate Change Strategy Action Plan 2007-11, Project Report – Action 35; ISBN: 978-0-9806848-0-3
- Technical Report 19 - Peat-forming mires of the ACT 2009 [3.4 MB]; ISBN: 978-0-9806848-1-0
- Technical Report 18 - Effects of stock grazing on biodiversity values in the temperate native grassland and grassy woodland in South East Australia 2005 [422.8 KB]; A literature review; I.D.Lunt
- Technical Report 17 - Wildfires in the ACT 2003: Report on Initial Impacts on Natural Ecosystems 2003 [4.0 MB]
- Technical Report 16 - Not available
- Technical Report 15 - Status of Fish in the ACT 2000 [6.5 MB] - Review of Current Knowledge and Management Requirements; M.Lintermans
- Technical Report 14 - Frog fauna of the Australian Capital Territory: A review 1997 [5.2 MB]; M.A.Rauhala
- Technical Report 13 - Status of the brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in the ACT 1996 [2.4 MB]; P.Ormay
- Technical Report 12 - Management directions for striped legless lizard (Delma impar) in the ACT 1995 [4.7 MB]; G.Coulson
- Technical Report 11 - The reptile, amphibian and mammal fauna of the Gigerline Nature Reserve, ACT 1995 [5.0 MB]; M.A.Rauhala
- Technical Report 10 - Recovery plan for the pink-tailed worm lizard (Aprasia parapulchella) 1995 [2.6 MB]; W.S.Osborne and S.R.Jones
- Technical Report 9 - Invertebrates of lowland native grasslands in the ACT: Conservation and research strategies for a Recovery Plan 1994 [2.5 MB]; D. A.Driscoll
- Technical Report 8 - Lowland native grasslands in the ACT and surrounding region: A review and research strategy for a Recovery Plan 1994 [4.4 MB]; S.Sharp
- Technical Report 7 - The fish fauna of the Tidbinbilla River catchment 1994 [6.6 MB]; T.V.Rutzou, M.A.Rauhala and P.I.Ormay
- Technical Report 6 - Reptile, amphibian and mammal fauna of Stony Creek Nature Reserve, ACT 1993 [6.1 MB]; M.Rauhala
- Technical Report 5 - Distribution and habitat of nobby dragon (Amphibolurus nobbi) in the ACT 1993 [4.8 MB]; M.Rauhala
- Technical Report 4 - Oriental weatherloach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) in the Cotter River: A new population in the Canberra region 1993 [2.6 MB]; M.Lintermans
- Technical Report 3 - Distribution, population density and habitat of the pink-tailed legless lizard (Aprasia parapulchella) in Canberra Nature Park 1993 [6.7 MB]; W.S.Osborne, and F.V.C.McKergow
- Technical Report 2 - Management of (Xanthhorrhea australis) in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve 1993 [7.4 MB]; P.Ormay and F.Ingwersen
- Technical Report 1 - The vertebrate fauna of the Gudgenby region, ACT 1993 [6.7 MB]; M.Lintermans
Ecological Survey Reports
As part of the ACT Government's land release program, the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate has overseen biodiversity surveys of potential development and offset land. The survey program seeks to provide strategic and contextual biodiversity information relevant to obtaining approvals for development of the land release areas under both the Nature Conservation Act 1980 and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).
Currently widespread surveys are being undertaken for striped legless lizard, golden sun moth and the superb parrot, while genetic studies on the variability between local pink-tailed worm lizard populations and a mapping of woodland that meets the Commonwealth's listing criteria are also underway.
Final reports have been completed and can be downloaded for the following surveys.
- Gungahlin Vegetation Survey and Mapping Report. Ecological Communities and Threatened Species within the Gungahlin Strategic Assessment Area [4.0 MB], Eco Logical Australia, August 2011;
- Distribution, abundance and breeding status of the Superb Parrot (Polytelis swainsonii) during the 2010-11 breeding season [2.7 MB], Gungahlin ACT, Canberra Ornithologists Group, May 2011;
- Golden Sun Moth Surveys at One Tree Hill, Kinlyside and Throsby [2.9 MB], Eco Logical Australia, February 2011.
- Taylor Preliminary Golden Sun Moth Survey [5.8 MB], David Hogg Pty Ltd, January 2011.
- Hall area vegetation mapping [6.2 MB], Eco Logical Australia, January 2012
- Superb Parrot Nesting Survey: Northern Majura Valley and Hall [2.0 MB], Eco Logical Australia, November 2011
- Golden Sun Moth Surveys at Kinlyside and Mulligans Flat [4.6 MB], Eco Logical Australia, January 2012
- Taylor Golden Sun Moth Survey [5.8 MB], David Hogg Pty Ltd, February 2012
- Mulanggari Golden Sun Moth Survey [688.8 KB], David Hogg Pty Ltd, February 2012
- Golden Sun Moth Survey for ACT Accelerated Land Release Program [5.4 MB], SMEC Australia
- Striped Legless Lizard Surveys 2012: Gungahlin Grassland Nature Reserves - Crace, Mulanggari and Gungaderra [2.0 MB], Ecological Australia
- Breeding ecology of the Superb Parrot (Polytelis Swainsonii) in northern Canberra [2.7 MB]
Highlights of the completed surveys include:
- identification of a major superb parrot nesting area in the Throsby – Goorooyarroo area
- discovery of new populations of the critically endangered golden sun moth at One Tree Hill and Kinlyside (both near Hall) and mapping of habitat and moth densities across Throsby and confirmation that Mulligans Flat reserve supports a large population of moths
- survey and mapping of vegetation within 2750 hectares across northern Gungahlin and Hall, including 600 hectares of nationally endangered Yellow Box-Red Gum Grassy Woodland and 1200 hectares of dry forest, with remaining areas being either cleared or eucalypt plantation
A summary report that synthesises and assesses all of the above Gungahlin ecological survey reports can be found as Technical Report 24 [4.1 MB].