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A radiation management plan must be submitted with every new radiation source registration application.

This plan is the primary document that describes how a radiation source is dealt with, by whom, and the procedures for management of the source and radiation protection at the premises or use location.

The plan must be available to anyone who may work with the radiation source. The plan should be reviewed at least annually and updated with any changes in procedures, staff or equipment.

If you are renewing your radiation source registration, an updated plan may be required.

You must have a radiation management plan in place for each premises.  The plan must detail how compliance will be achieved at your premises in line with the Radiation Protection Act 2006.

Your plan must include:

  • a current list of radiation sources at the premises, including the source for which registration is being sought
  • proposed dealings with the radiation source
  • the proposed location of the radiation source, including how and where it will be stored
  • potential hazards associated with the radiation source
  • a current list of licenced users for each radiation source at the premises
  • security measures to prevent unauthorised dealings or access to the radiation source
  • proposed safety measures for dealing with the radiation source, including:
    • how the source will be transported or disposed of
    • how your practice will deal with radiation incidents and accidents
    • the practice's emergency response
  • the name and contact details (including phone number) of the responsible person. The responsible person is defined in the glossary of the RPS C-1 as the possession licence holder, who is solely responsible for radiation safety within their organisation
  • the name and contact details (including phone number) of the radiation safety officer, who must be:
    • someone employed to provide daily advice and supervision services on behalf of the organisation
    • suitably qualified
    • reasonably available to attend the site as required, having regard to the attendant risk of the source types at the location
    • contactable at all times the business is in operation
  • an explanation and evidence of how personal radiation monitoring is being achieved within the practice
  • any other information prescribed by regulation

Your plan must comply with safety duties under the Radiation Protection Act. It must detail how the radiation source will protect property, the environment and the health and safety of people. This includes providing details about how exposures to both workers and the public will be kept below established dose limits and as low as reasonably achievable.

Radiation management plan templates

Several templates for developing a plan are provided and cover the following use of regulated radiation sources:

These templates are designed to assist you in developing your radiation management plan and may not apply to your practice. Radiation protection requirements are unique for each situation, and you must develop a plan appropriate to your circumstances.

ACT Health does not take responsibility or liability for any protection measures in these templates. The use of the template does not guarantee that registration application approval will be granted.

Transport management plan

If your work includes transporting radiation sources you must prepare a transport management plan and make sure your radiation licence permits you to transport.

The transport management plan can be part of your radiation management plan, or it can be a separate document.

This transport management plan template may assist you in developing a plan. ACT Health does not take responsibility or liability for any protection measures in this template.

Recommended information

You should consult the following information when developing your plan:




Portable density moisture gauging


Other fields and general information

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