An ACT Government Website

Community Support and Infrastructure Grants

The Community Support and Infrastructure Grants provides successful applicants with up to $10,000 to build capacity, improve programs and services to benefit members of the ACT community.

Application closing date

3:00 pm on 29 April 2024

What you get

A grant of up to $10,000 for a project.


The Community Support and Infrastructure Grants are to fund projects across 3 categories:

  • community support and capacity building
  • non-fixed infrastructure, furniture or equipment
  • minor capital works and fixed infrastructure.

Community support and capacity building projects are to improve:

  • business and management skills
  • strategic planning
  • project management skills
  • emergency planning
  • business continuity.

Non-fixed infrastructure, furniture or equipment projects include:

  • furniture and storage solutions
  • work safety equipment
  • items used by individuals who access your services.

Minor capital works and fixed infrastructure projects improve or add accessibility elements or energy efficient upgrades to your premises.

Check if you can apply

You can apply if you meet the eligible criteria. Eligibility criteria is the set of rules that tell you who we consider for the grant. Learn:

  • who can apply
  • what you can use the funds for.

Who can apply

Organisations can apply if they are:

  • a legally incorporated entity
  • a registered not-for-profit or a charitable organisation.

You must not have:

  • received funding from another source to deliver the same project
  • any overdue acquittal obligations for any previous Community Services Directorate grant.

You must have appropriate insurance cover.

You can’t apply if you are:

  • an individual
  • a profit-making group
  • a government entity
  • a registered political party
  • an unincorporated association.

What you can use the funds for

Your project must:

  • be located in the ACT and primarily for the benefit of ACT residents
  • include at least 1 quote
  • show approval from the owner of the building
  • use suppliers in the Canberra region if possible.

Refer to the guidelines for what funds cannot be used for.

Read the guidelines

Download the Community Support and Infrastructure Grant guidelines guidelines [PDF 455 kb].

How to apply

When you're ready to apply

Apply using our online portal SmartyGrants:

  1. Create or log into your portal account.
  2. Follow the instructions to complete your application.
  3. Submit your application before the close date.

Make sure you include enough detail and supporting evidence in your application to help us decide whether to award you the grant.

How we assess applications

First, we check that you meet the eligibility criteria. Then we assess your application against the assessment criteria.

The assessment criteria are a set of rules that describe how we must assess each application.

This is a competitive process, and your application will be assessed against other applications.

In most cases, there is a high demand for the grants, and you may not receive the full amount you applied for.

The following assessment criterion are equally weighted. The guidelines have further detail on the criterion.

  • Assessment criterion 1: Improvement – the project will build capacity, enhance viability or improve facilities and resources for your organisation
  • Assessment criterion 2: Evidence of need in the community
  • Assessment criterion 3: Sustainability – the application explains how the items will be maintained after the purchase
  • Assessment criterion 5: Realistic budget and timeframe

The amount of detail and supporting evidence you provide will impact the assessment of your grant. The more detailed and supported your application is, the stronger it will be.

The program delegate makes the final decision.

Using the online portal

Sample applications

The best way to understand what information you need to provide is to start an application.

Technical help

SmartyGrants provides an online help guide for applicants. This guide will explain the essential steps you need to take to complete and submit your form.

Apply for the Community Support and Infrastructure Grants

Before you apply, make sure you:

  • read and understand the grant opportunity guidelines
  • are eligible under the guidelines
  • prepare your application and collect any supporting documents.

Apply now

What happens next

Assessment process

When your application is received it will be checked against these grant guidelines to ensure eligibility for funding.

Following the pre-eligibility check, a Grant Assessment Team will assess your application. The Grant Assessment Team will include a chairperson and 2 other senior officers within the Community Services Directorate.

Panel members will use the information provided in your application and information from any previous Community Services Directorate grant rounds to assess the applications submitted.

If you have been successful in other recent grant rounds, the panel may take this into consideration during their assessment considering the high number of applications received to ensure fairness across all applicants.

Grant outcome

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications in writing. Successful applicants will be advised in writing by the Minister for Community Services and a Letter of Offer will be sent by the Community Services Directorate.

This process is expected to take a minimum of 12 weeks. You may not hear anything from the Community Services Directorate during this time.

Acquittal and reporting requirements

All successful applicants must spend the funds within the timeframes listed in their Letter of Offer.

An acquittal is a signed declaration, submitted at the end of the activity, stating that funding was used for the agreed purpose. This includes providing copies of receipts as proof of expenditure.

Acquittal process

The acquittal of the grant is managed through SmartyGrants.

Instructions will be provided to successful applicants in their Letter of Offer. You will need to login using the same identification details you used to submit the application. Keep this in a safe place.

The funds must be expended in accordance with the activity/project outlined in the grant application and in the Letter of Offer, and all receipts must be retained and submitted with the acquittal.

Your grant is funded based on the details of your application only. If something changes due to unexpected circumstances, you must first get written approval from the Community Services Directorate. Your request to change the project will be reviewed by the Delegate and you will be advised in writing if the request is approved or declined. Failure to seek approval to change the purpose can result in non-conformance and may result in you having to return the full grant amount that was paid by the Community Services Directorate.

Unspent funds

Any unspent funds from your grant must be returned to Community Services Directorate. Email the Community Services Directorate Grants team at to advise of any unspent funds.

Further guidance

Late application

We cannot consider the application you submit after the close date under any circumstances.

Correct a mistake on your application

If you have submitted your application before the close date and notice a mistake, we can help you re-open the form. Email us at to ask for help. But you must make sure you submit it again before the close date.

Past grant recipients

You can find past grant recipients in Community Services Directorate's annual reports.

Need help?

Contact the CSD Grants team

Let us answer your question by email.


This page is managed by: Community Services Directorate