How we deliver light rail?

Canberra is benefiting from an experienced team who have delivered complex major infrastructure and rail projects throughout the world. Our experienced team guide the planning, design and delivery of each light rail route as we deliver the light rail network over the next 20 years.

Moving Canberra, the transport strategy, identifies how we connect all our transport modes together. It forecasts what the future will be like when we deliver our integrated transport network: walking, cycling, autonomous cars, busses, on demand travel, park and ride options and light rail.

Masterplans and Network Updates

Light rail masterplans and updates set out the priorities to develop and deliver a light rail network that connects to other modes of transport and the places we live, work, study and play.

Identified Corridors

Masterplan identifies the key places to connect and what the potential corridors could be to create those connections. A corridor being a belt of land linking two areas together.

Assessing corridors

We investigate, model and compare potential corridors between two areas. Pre-feasibility work looks at potential travel times, traffic impacts, patronage as well as potential engineering, planning, heritage and environmental challenges.

Potential routes

We have determined the right corridor and now find potential routes through the corridor. A route being a way or a course taken to get from a starting point to a destination inside the belt of land linking two areas together. We undertake technical analysis of each route, once again looking at connectivity to the network and to places; impacts to traffic, heritage and the environment; passenger attraction in travel times, frequency, stop location and approval complexity. We may seek input from the community and stakeholders to help determine the preferred route.

Recommended alignment

We have a preferred route that travels through different places or precincts as it connects starting points with destinations. Introducing light rail can change the function of a street or road corridor and we look in more detail at how light rail can support movement in an area while enhancing the identity and the experience of the place. We undertake detailed technical analysis by precincts to determine the recommended alignment. The alignment being the linear arrangement of light rail tracks along the route within the corridor.

Environmental Impact Statement

We have a recommended alignment with detail on the places the light rail will connect. We can now look at the heritage and environmental impacts and how we will manage and mitigate these through design, construction and operations. We seek input from the community and stakeholders through a formal Environmental Impact Assessment. (*may not be required on all alignments)

Business case

We prepare a business case for the recommended alignment as a project. The business case justifies the project in economic terms looking at the expected commercial benefits that the recommended alignment may deliver. A business case for each light rail alignment informs the ACT Governments investment decisions as well as private sector interests that may help deliver the project.


We take our alignment, business case, detailed technical designs, environmental conditions and we ask the market to build it. We assess tenders from the private sector interested in construction and/or operating the alignment. We negotiate to ensure value for money and then award a contract. We may choose to construct and operate the alignment through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP).

Planning approvals

We have our technical designs assessed by authorities before construction works begin.  In Canberra, community and stakeholders also have the opportunity to review these designs through the development application or works approval process administered by planning authorities.

Design and Construction

We begin construction of the alignment. We routinely audit and check on what is being delivered against what we agreed in the contract. We monitor costs and delivery of milestones. We keep the community informed of construction activity, road closures and other impacts.


We seek certification for the constructed alignment. We test our light rail vehicles, signalling and stop features. We seek assurance from independent certifying organisations that our alignment is safe to operate.

We open the light rail alignment to passengers, connect the alignment to the rest of the light rail network and integrate the operations with other modes of transport.

We developed a business case for the alignment and now we revisit that business case to see how well the project has realised the benefits which include property value uplift, employment, economic activity, passenger numbers and behaviour change like more people utilising the transport network.