

Skilled to Succeed Innovation Grants Program

JobTrainer Employment Jumpstart Grants Program

Adult Community Education Grants Program

Future Skills for Future Jobs Grants Program

Skills Canberra undertook a series of Industry Skills Roundtables in November and December 2022 with selected industry stakeholders. The purpose of these roundtables was to understand the challenges and opportunities facing key industries with respect to skills. These insights will inform the development of an Industry Skills Plan. The discussions in the workshops are summarised in listening reports corresponding to each roundtable. Feedback or comments on these reports are welcome and can be emailed to Skills Canberra.

The draft Industry Skills Plan will be released for feedback later in the year to all industry stakeholders.

The following discussion papers include key skills and workforce statistics and trends in priority industries. These were discussed during roundtables held with industry stakeholders in November and December, 2022.
