Access and connectivity

Access and connectivity domain

Getting around to places we value and accessing the services we need

Our planning, mobility and service systems allow us to move around our liveable city and access the types of places and services we need, when we need them. Those who require additional support to gain independence can access responsive, tailored services.

Wellbeing Indicators

One of the things we value about our city is our ability to get around easily and access the spaces, places, buildings, services, jobs and activities that help us day to day.

Canberrans have shared the importance of timely and effective access to services, both in person and online, the importance of planning, and our ability to get around the city easily. This is particularly important for Canberrans who have a higher need for inter-related government services or more complex commuting needs, such as people with disability or those whose daily commute involves multiple legs or modes of transport.

The Access and connectivity domain includes measures about ease of access to services, transport and our ability to get where we need to go, how we rate the liveability of our city and of our neighbourhoods, as well as the level of digital access and connectivity in the ACT.

Having access and being connected to the places and services in our communities has impacts on other domains, particularly Social Connection and Time.