Domestic and family violence


Domestic and family violence

Domestic and family violence is a pervasive social problem, impacting individuals, families and the entire community.

Community attitudes on violence against women

This measure shows how the community feels about violence against women. Domestic, family and sexual violence has far-reaching impacts on individuals, families and our entire community. Community attitudes help explain and influence women’s safety.

This measure is important because it tracks changes to attitudes that play a role in violence against women.

In 2021, more Canberrans rejected domestic and sexual violence including sexual assault and harassment as compared to 2017 and, as compared to the rest of Australia, had a lower mistrust in women’s reports of violence.

Over time these results are improving in the ACT and across Australia. There is room to keep improving understanding and attitudes to gender inequality and violence against women.

Line graph of community rejection of violence against women in the ACT, in 4-year intervals from 2013 to 2021. In 2020, the ACT scored 70 compared to 67 in 2017.