People with disability

“Pathways and facilities for persons with learning challenges to gain employment and be a part of the community”

Wellbeing of People living with Disability in Canberra

Our vision is for the ACT to be an inclusive, welcoming society where everyone can reach their full potential. There are around 77,300 Canberrans who are people with disability. This means they experience long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairment. Their experiences participating in society are not always equal to others. This may include discrimination, fewer job opportunities, higher levels of underemployment and greater difficulty accessing health services.

The Living Well in the ACT Region survey (2020) shows people with disability may experience lower than average personal wellbeing in the following areas:

The ACT Office for Disability provides strategic advice to government and community. This is to support people with disability to fully enjoy their rights as citizens of the ACT. The Disability Justice Strategy 2019-2029 works to give people with disability in the ACT equal access to justice. The Strategy has three goals:

These goals are supported by five focus areas:

Wellbeing data for people with disability will help to understand barriers they face and put services where they are most needed.